Tuesday, 6 March 2012

The Plank Challenge

So I need a bit of a challenge to get me going so today I decided to embark on the plank challenge.

No it has nothing to do with a plank of wood, but it is a seemingly innocuous exercise designed to strengthen you core abs and back. The perfect exercise for someone like me who has a very weak core resulting in a weak back.

So this is the plank - looks easy doesn't it, well it does until you have to stay like that for more than 10 seconds without your butt creeping into the air!

I timed myself today on my first attempt and it was, a massive,

wait for it ...

35 seconds!!!  How embarrassing but not surprising as I knew my core was weak.  My challenge is to get to 2 minutes - it is not much but I need to break myself in gently, I have no idea how long it will take me to reach 2 minutes but I am going to try and do this every day and hope to reach two minutes in two weeks.  I will keep you posted!  In the meantime please take up the challenge yourself and let me know how you get on.

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