Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Lose weight whilst you sleep

Apparently it is true - sort of. Research has shown that two hormones have been linked to appetite and those same two hormones are also affected by the amount of sleep that we get. The study showed that when we get less sleep the hormones react to this leading to feeling less satisfied after eating and also showed that if the quality of sleep is poor even if there is eight hours of sleep this will also have the same effect.

So what makes for a good night's sleep?

It seems that sharing your bed with your furry friends can affect sleep...

Apart from late night feet attacks your pets also have different sleep patterns, so their restlessness may affect your sleep patterns without you even noticing it.

Coffee and Alcohol

We all know that caffeine has a detrimental effect on sleep but so does alcohol - while initially you may feel sleepy after a drink but as your blood levels drop later on this can cause you to wake up again.

What can you do to get a better night's sleep?

Banish all your electronic gadgets from the bedroom - and yes that does include your TV, Ipad and smartphone as the artifical light can supress the melatonin needed for a good night's sleep.

Go to bed at the same time each night and try and get up at the same time each day.

Keep your bedroom cool and clutter free.


1 comment:

  1. Okay, so I am laying off the caffeine at night. Thanks for awesome tips.

    P.S. Glad I don't have cats.
