Monday, 8 August 2011

Boots Vitamin C and Probiotic Sachets

For the last few months I have been using the Boots Vitamin C and Probiotic Sachets.  I have been taking them mainly because I do struggle a bit with tablets but have a Vitamin B12 deficiency and these sachets provide 100% of my RDA.  So far they have managed to keep my B12 levels fairly stable and the sachets are certainly an easy way for me to take my vits without having to swallow horse sized pills. 

I quite like the flavour of this product but do not recommend diluting the granules too much as the flavour then does taste slightly strange. The granules take a while to dissolve but other than that my only concern about the product is that caffeine is listed quite high up in its list of ingredients which although only equating to 50mg per sachet, this is still not an ideal additive.

In terms of packaging the box is cardboard so should be fine to be recycled as it doesn’t appear to have a plastic coating.  The sachets themselves may not be suitable for recycling as they appear to be foiled lined to preserve the product.

Not a bad day

Been a good day today, had porridge for breakfast, prawn salad for lunch, fruit as snacks and roast beef salad for dinner.  I am now off to a zumba class to burn yesterday’s cookies off!

I am feeling tired today as the husband was out last night and text me about 10 times on his way home which kept waking me up, hopefully Zumba will mean I sleep like a baby tonight and wake up with more energy tomorrow.

I have been giving this blog some thought today and figured that it would be useful to try out some of the “healthy products” out there and review them.  So watch out later for my first review on a product I have actually been using for a while which is the Boots Vitamin C and Probiotic sachets.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Food Glorious food...

I LOVE food all food pretty much but now I need to really start thinking about what is good for me before I put it into my mouth.   Tonight I made myself  a chicken salad using a marinade of lemon juice, olive oil, rosemary, garlic, and black pepper with red onions and mixed salad leaves.

Having a bit of a sweet tooth, I had a piece of homemade cookie as pudding.  For me the most important thing is steering clear of as many chemicals as additives as possible and sticking with freshly prepared home cooked meals.

On a bit of a roll tonight so made myself some thai spiced prawns to have with salad for my lunch.  I made a really quick marinade of lime zest and juice, corriander, lemongrass, a sprinkling of mint, shallots, a drop of coconut milk and a small chilli.

Off to bed now for some of that beauty sleep - should have gone to bed earlier really!

The Catalyst?

There is usually a key reason behind someone looking to make major lifestyle changes and for me it was probably the recent "health check" I underwent at work.

I am not a particularly unhealthy person so I smugly thought that I would do fine during the checks and whilst the results were not terrifying they certainly left me with some food for thought!

I am not exactly what anyone would call a fat person having always sat in the 8-10 clothing range however there were some interesting results for me to discover.

My body fat is about 28.8, which whilst not in the 32% obese bracket it also means I don't fit into the healthy bracket of 20-25% either!

My blood pressure is usually around 90-95/60-65 which is quite low I know however on the day it was showing as 121/75 which for me is high.

My peak flow test was the worst, I got 1.9 on my reading and the recommended reading is 2.6, this was the worst reading in my whole department!

So my goal is to get fitter and healthier and improve these results by making better choices.

Each day I expect to share the trails and tribulations of developing a healthier regime that I can actually stick to and yet that will yield results.

Gotta Start Somewhere...

So welcome to my little corner of the blogosphere, I having been thinking alot recently about my health and general lifestyle etc and have finally decided to make some changes. As I am not renowned for my willpower I figured if I shared this with someone then I would be more likely to stick with it, so here goes people.....